Thursday, November 17, 2011

Movie Night

One reason I love music is most songs seem to be the soundtrack for the movie of my life. I have been on walks and heard Tara's theme in my head. Why? Because I swore I would never be hungry again. Did I bow to the ground and dig up a turnip? No. Did I flirt with the stranger next to me on the trail because they had a hamburger, just hoping they would offer to share their fries? No. You are getting the Gone With the Wind references right? Because I think I may be straying from the obvious ones. For instance I can't think of Scarlet without thinking about how she would compartmentalize her problems and decide to "think about that tomorrow". Her ability to compartmentalize may be the only thing I liked about Scarlett. She and I would not have been friends. We might have been sisters, but NOT friends. Although, I may have pretended to be her friend so I could borrow that green dress, not the drapery one as impressive as it was, but the BBQ one. (And right or wrong I would have fallen for Rhett that very day and never given Ashley another thought.)
Movie friends are often flawed. Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fischer in When Harry Met Sally - I loved these guys! There is a line from Neil Diamond's I am I said that says,"....except for the names and a few other changes (my) the story's the same one". My husband and I had crossed paths from before we were born to Junior college. My Grandfather was his mother's boss. Later at the ripe old age of 9 or 10 Grandad took me fishing and we stopped by his former employees' home to say hi. She was married with three boys by that time. When we left the visit, two hansome young boys appeared riding mini bikes, and my Grandad elbowed me and asked,"Do ya think one of them would make a good husband?". Yup. Actually personally, I can only vouch for one, but my sister in law seems to think they both make good husbands.
But even tho' our story covers pre birth, my brothers little league team, our best friends being brother and sister, going to some of the same parties in high school, we were much younger than Harry and Sally when we finally heard Harry Connick Jr, singing "it had to be you". Epic, yes, spanning decades, yes, except for the names and a few other changes well the story's the same one. NOT!
One of the strangest parts of our Epic story is underscored with ZZ TOP's Tush. I mentioned our best friends were brother and sister. In fact we both spent time in their home over the years but were never there at the same time and my best friend was so tall she appeared much older than she was.... and well I had never heard of ZZ Top let alone "Tush",But that was her favorite record to listen to while I was at her house. Over time we, hubby and I, both feel God's hand was on us keeping us apart during those years.
About 18 months into our marriage I stayed in the states when Roland went on a mission trip for a month to Mexico. I remember being haunted by the idea that our life would end in tragedy like a kidnapping demanding a ransom we could not pay, or he might get bitten by a poisinous spider( actually he almost did while painting the church), so on and so on. I think I planned a different funeral every night for a month. I cant live if living is without you. "We had it all - Just like Bogey and Becall (Key Largo)". Then I would plan a more spiritual send off with Peace in the Valley or  His eye is on the sparrow. Then I would think of surprising everyone with my great faith and choose only Happy uplifting songs - Jesus loves me, a funny little tune from the Agapeland children's records, Heaven is a wonderful Place, and even Oh you cant get to heaven rolands car. Ahh good times. You haven't really been married until you plan a funeral when they are late for dinner atleast once. I was in my early twenties then, no children. So as in any good 'mind movie' the story line was all about ME.
Of course, we had no idea then we would face the fertility problems, financial problems, substance abuse, spiritual doubt, and one day misscarriage, depression, and cancer. We were Happy Together most of the time. Poor as church mice but I dont think we really knew it. (poor as church mice....makes it sound like we lived on communion crackers and grape juice left in the cupboards of the fellowship hall - dont be ridiculous-we had veg-all and top ramen) Why hasn't anyone written a country song about top ramen? "I know I'm in trouble......when I hear that ramen bubble.....there'll be no steak, no potatoes, no candle light tonight...No smilin, no cuddlin, wondering with each bite....what did I do this time?" Ok I guess I know why some songs are never written.
The mystery of eating to excess sometimes gets blamed on prosperity. We've all been told that some cultures in the past found beauty in the heavy set woman or man because it made the man look wealthy - how else would he or his wife gain such girth, but through the abundance of his provision. Well, that country song, it's all right to be little bitty.. comes to mind. Why do you climb a mountain? Because it's there - same reason you eat the whole cake.
Sometimes it gets blamed on being poor. We used powdered milk, peanut butter, butter, rice (I had no idea how to cook rice), and government cheese, Yah baby, government cheese. Cheese added to the afore mentioned veg-all and top ramen . . . we were livin'. So basically we were eating carbs and cheese, with sodium infused over processed mushy vegetables. The comcept is and seems to be correct that eating healthy is expensive.  Hey "we kept doing our best and prayed that it(was) blessed", and it was way better than Scarlett's turnip! We did dig up a small piece of dirt at the end of our trailor and planted some zucchini. Just in case you dont know: scientists do not know exactly how little dirt is needed to grow zucchini, it is possible that zucchini doesnt need anything but air and water, and maybe not even air! So we did have a fresh green vegetble in our diet. One. I dont mean just one Zucchini, I mean zucchini was our only vegetable. We had many, many zucchinis. Many. I dont think it is possible to grow ONE(1) zucchini.
SO our epic had no car chases or explsions, no real show stopper dance/chorus numbers, no ultra panaramic views with eye popping cinematography, but as I became a closet "bulk eater" there was definately lies, drama, and suspense. How would I find myself again, in a culture that not only "sees" no beauty in a obese woman, but knows it is a detriment to her health? I would hear, Please come to Boston for the spring time...And think if only I lived in a different situation, a different place, geographically then I could be "the happiest girl in the whole USA".
Actress gets in car, turns on radio and drives to the nearest McDonalds. the song comes on, " are so beautiful, to me, You are so beautiful, to me, cant you see...." Actress doesnt realize it is not meant to be Joe Cocker singing to his girlfriend, but is instead symbolic of Jesus singing to her................fade to black. 
Sequel begins with the song Bridge over troubled waters playing during title credits  and actress returning from the store with a can of slimfast........

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