Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I went to a facebook wall titled depression and the feeling of depression overwhelmed me. It reminds me of Philippians 4:8. "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise". 

It also reminded me of Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he"  

I wonder if depression begets depression? And likewise if thinking about things which are excellent begets happiness? 

During the journey of cancer a patients thoughts can be friends or foes. And the decision is our own and must be made each day which of the two our thoughts become. And I know that even non-cancer journeys prove that this is true. Our thoughts are in so many ways: who we are, who we become, and to what our environment responds.

I am trying to allow God to take my weak mind, and my stubborn will and convert them to someone who is strong and teachable, yet not tossed "to and fro" by every wind of doctrine. (I said, "I am trying".)

I find myself over and over saying, "I don't know anything, and I never did".

I am a grandmother now. Going on three years. I love being "Gigi". That's what my qualifier calls me. My granddaughter, Andi. This picture was her first time out with a spoon - over two years ago. "Do it myself" written all over her face. See it there under the bananas?  

Because of the movie GIGI I was named Geri G. Gilstrap. Because of my initials, GG, my friends called me "Gigi". (That was over two years ago, too.)
I guess somewhere around adolescence I went by mainly Geri, but that really wasn't because of any request from me, it just happened. Oh, Mom hung in there, and most of my siblings, but friends and a special cousin put in the effort to call me the much more mature "Geri". Think of it as the people who started calling Cassius Clay by his new name: Muhammad Ali. (Except there was no religious event as a precursor to the change.)

What's the connection between depression - our names - and our thought life? Simple: Who we are, who we think we are, & what we call ourselves all can contribute to who we become. This isn't an idea I came up with, so don't throw me out with the bath water! Or maybe I am the bath water . . .

If you read through the Bible you will see several times when names are changed when God does a work in a life.

Abram became Abraham. That changed his name from great father to father of many nations. So every time he heard his new name he was reminded of God's promise that his descendants would out number the stars.

Jacob becomes Israel. Jacob means supplanter because he grabbed Esau's ankle and made his way out of the womb first. Israel means prince with God,or power with God meaning he prevailed - not a real big difference between supplanting and prevailing but a big difference when it's with GOD.

So I am seeing, depression, or more personal: depressed, as a name. (Maybe a "label" is easier to understand, but for the sake of the bible references let's go with name.). If your name has been Depressed, what would be a more excellent name? A more honorable, more lovely and admirable name?

Encourager.  Fighter.

Scholar.  Praise - er.

Hope-er. Blessed. 

And one of my favorites, Believer

Post a new name in comments.

Thanks for reading,

                      New Geri

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