Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On The Road Again

After my last post I struggled with the plateau for a few weeks, trying to stay true to the encouragement I gave you the reader. I had my days.

  I enjoy the early Beatles. I must've sung "HARD DAYS NIGHT" 100 times before I gave any thought to what I was singing. I eventually decided it had something to do with working the graveyard shift. Who knows? I would rather not KNOW. Especially, if it has something to do with some drug they took in the 60s. C'mon, I used to love PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON!

Sheesh! Just a sweet story about a boy and a dragon . . . . .ruined.

 So...anyhoo. I had to check myself on HOW I was tracking on my program. One time I can fall short is at night. So for a few nights I fought through my insomnia without a comforting midnight snack. Now, I could easily be convinced the Beatles wrote "HARD DAYS NIGHT" while they were on a diet!

Or the munchies, shoot, I almost made it past that one.

 Another check was in activity. Sometimes when you recover you can overdo. Sometimes when you recover you can wait a little too long before you test yourself.  Yup. I looked at the calendar: time to test the knees and legs. I was really afraid of activity. So I had to sneak up on it. I can take laps around my house, I can park farther away from the store, I can say "yes" instead of sitting on the couch. So I am "ON THE ROAD AGAIN".  I don't think there is any hidden meaning in that song. 

[Well, you probably have to assume that there is some road trip card games, cigarettes, whiskey and wild wild women. Shoot. Nothing is all wholesome.]

 Water intake also needed attention. I was not drinking enough water. Yes water is good to bathe in, wash your dishes and water your gardens but it also makes a great refreshing way to quench your thirst. Water is so good for you, just drink it!

The song that comes to my mind when I think of water is COOL CHANGE. "If there's one thing in my life that's missing . . ." Ahh.

 It only took two weeks of due diligence to show a change on the scale. And you know what? I couldn't promise you that any one of those checks had anything to do with the weight loss. Or if none of them had anything to do with the weight loss. What I BELIEVE is:  God asked me, "Are you willing to keep going?". I had to answer, "Yes Lord, I am willing."  With every journey God asks that question. There are four phases of the affirmative answer: I can, I will, I am, I have.

I can         Phil. 4:13
I will        Psalm 100:4
I am         Gal. 2:20
I have       II Tim 4:7

Each of the four phases can, and likely will, be a struggle. What I hear people say is NOT that it is easy but that it is worth it. Today, I move forward encouraging myself in this: God is able to do more than I can think or even imagine Ephesians 3:20.

Which brings me to the song of my heart: AMAZING GRACE.

Thank you for reading, ~ New Geri

1 comment:

Geri Rister said...

At this link to weight watchers, there is an article to help you check on your weight loss during a plateau. God Bless you in your journey! ~ New Geri