Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I went to a facebook wall titled depression and the feeling of depression overwhelmed me. It reminds me of Philippians 4:8. "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise". 

It also reminded me of Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he"  

I wonder if depression begets depression? And likewise if thinking about things which are excellent begets happiness? 

During the journey of cancer a patients thoughts can be friends or foes. And the decision is our own and must be made each day which of the two our thoughts become. And I know that even non-cancer journeys prove that this is true. Our thoughts are in so many ways: who we are, who we become, and to what our environment responds.

I am trying to allow God to take my weak mind, and my stubborn will and convert them to someone who is strong and teachable, yet not tossed "to and fro" by every wind of doctrine. (I said, "I am trying".)

I find myself over and over saying, "I don't know anything, and I never did".

I am a grandmother now. Going on three years. I love being "Gigi". That's what my qualifier calls me. My granddaughter, Andi. This picture was her first time out with a spoon - over two years ago. "Do it myself" written all over her face. See it there under the bananas?  

Because of the movie GIGI I was named Geri G. Gilstrap. Because of my initials, GG, my friends called me "Gigi". (That was over two years ago, too.)
I guess somewhere around adolescence I went by mainly Geri, but that really wasn't because of any request from me, it just happened. Oh, Mom hung in there, and most of my siblings, but friends and a special cousin put in the effort to call me the much more mature "Geri". Think of it as the people who started calling Cassius Clay by his new name: Muhammad Ali. (Except there was no religious event as a precursor to the change.)

What's the connection between depression - our names - and our thought life? Simple: Who we are, who we think we are, & what we call ourselves all can contribute to who we become. This isn't an idea I came up with, so don't throw me out with the bath water! Or maybe I am the bath water . . .

If you read through the Bible you will see several times when names are changed when God does a work in a life.

Abram became Abraham. That changed his name from great father to father of many nations. So every time he heard his new name he was reminded of God's promise that his descendants would out number the stars.

Jacob becomes Israel. Jacob means supplanter because he grabbed Esau's ankle and made his way out of the womb first. Israel means prince with God,or power with God meaning he prevailed - not a real big difference between supplanting and prevailing but a big difference when it's with GOD.

So I am seeing, depression, or more personal: depressed, as a name. (Maybe a "label" is easier to understand, but for the sake of the bible references let's go with name.). If your name has been Depressed, what would be a more excellent name? A more honorable, more lovely and admirable name?

Encourager.  Fighter.

Scholar.  Praise - er.

Hope-er. Blessed. 

And one of my favorites, Believer

Post a new name in comments.

Thanks for reading,

                      New Geri

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Hubby received a juice extractor for his birthday. So.....

First I got a whole lot of fresh vegetables. While I was at the store I was taking note of all the great juice options there are today, and wrote down the price of the healthier ones. Also, the cost of the fruits and vegetables that looked the best.

ThenI got overwhelmed looking at the full fridge, wondering how to make juice we would like the first time we tried it so I wouldn't be wasting anything because of some strange combination I thought would be delicious. After reading a friends post on facebook about juicing, with a link to Amazon.com and books on juicing I went click click click and I bought a kindle book on juicing.

Then after I read the book on juicing, I wondered why the author hadn't mentioned anything about the leftover pulp. Previously, I thought I could use it in recipes but there was no mention of it - so I went online to find out ideas on how to use the pulp.

The first things I saw suggested for using pulp had to do with pet treats and composting piles - NOT exactly what I was thinking. But as I read further there were ideas for using the pulp in recipes. Actually one of the uses was to add the pulp to the juice - just not all of it - to boost the fiber content. Another one was to add it to smoothies, again to boost the fiber content.

One of my main concerns was whether I needed to cook the pulp prior to adding it to baking recipes - what was suggested was just to add the pulp as is into the recipe, however, I would suggest just being careful to NOT allow large pieces of vegetables such as carrots to make it into the quick baking recipes(30min or less). They just won't get soft enough in short periods of time.


I took it out of the box today. Yes it was his present. But HIS birthday was 3/31. It was time to let it out of the box. IT WAS TIME.

I prepared the 6 carrots and 1 apple and began to "fiddle" with the machine. After a little carrot stub popped up and hit me in the shoulder, I decided to read the manual. No it is not just men who read the manual as a last resort. I enjoy trying to figure things out but not getting hit with vegetables - it goes against my stage training.

I successfully made a cup of juice. And that little sip tasted wonderful. I decided I would save the juice for hubby WHO I expected to be home in just a few minutes - and use the pulp to make scones!

But when I went into the fridge a few minutes later the juice was starting to settle - so I decided I would use the juice as the liquid, instead of water, in the scone recipe.
So that was my juicer adventure and here is the recipe for my carrot scones.


Cut strips of parchment paper
Juice approx. 6 carrots and 1 apple

Preheat oven to 375

1 box spice cake mix
2 cups baking mix
1 cup juice from juice extractor ( approx. 6 carrots, 1 apple)
1/2 cup of pulp from juice extractor

Put dry ingredients in large bowl.
Add liquid and pulp.
Fold mixture until all dry ingredients are moistened.

Form two balls of dough. Place each ball on parchment and cut into eighths with wet knife. Brush with cream or milk.

Place strips of parchment in each muffin cup. Scoop 1/2 cup of dough over parchment strip in muffin cup. Smooth tops of scones with cream or milk.

Bake 25 minutes at 375

While scones are hot spread with cream cheese frosting. Let cool.

Thanks for reading, New Geri

Sunday, April 1, 2012


MARCH 31st 2012

My dear husband turns 50 today.

Last year when I turned 50, we celebrated in a hospital. Not only did we celebrate my 50years, we were celebrating that I would never have uterine cancer. Nor would I ever have ovarian cancer. It was a wonderful celebration, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

This year, we are celebrating his 50 years. I wanted to do something wonderful for him. About a month ago I started inviting people to a surprise party. Never did I think that tonight, the day before, it would still be a surprise! I even cautiously made updates letting people know it was still a surprise! This week preparations were all set to move forward. Monday I had a Dr apt, but then the rest of the week had tasks spread out to make the to do list disappear easily and without getting overwhelmed.

I seriously had it all figured out.

Honestly, I made a list. I had it ALL figured out.

SO......Monday, I went out to the car to go to my Dr apt. yup. cross item 1 off the list. Yessiree.

Car will not start.

Yessiree, car will not start.

Well, it's only Monday, I'll just do some of my Tuesday stuff today and reschedule my apt.

My Tuesday stuff was cleaning up and putting away my granddaughter's happiness from the weekend. This happiness included a brand new feather boa.

I am allergic to feathers.

Yep. That's right.

So I spent the rest of the day sneezing. Of course, it had been so long since I was around feathers, I didn't even KNOW that the boa was causing all the sneezing, and itchy watery eyes and pluggy ears.

Ears. Yes, then came the call from the Audiologists. An apt opened up for a consult  on hearing aid options. Not knowing if the car would be fixed I opted to take the early Tues morning apt which would allow me to take hubby to work and use the car if my car was still dead.

Suddenly TWO days are messed up instead of just one. But Geri, how did an early appointment mess up the whole day on Tuesday? This is how: sneezing all day  automatically ruins the next day with headache, and/or drowsy allergy medicine. Not to mention how stinking depressing it is to have a hearing aid consult. Sheesh. Not only am I 51 married to a man still in his 40s for 12 more hours, I have to go pick out some hearing aides.

Oh and by the way, the car got fixed. I love that man!!!

So it's Wednesday.  It is raining like, what we generally to refer to as: "cats and dogs".  I know the neighbor is going to go nuts about people parking on his driveway when it has been raining. Not only that, but I hate the idea of my friends walking through the wet soggy grass to get to the house so that the hubster won't see their cars when he gets back from the wild goose chase "De jour" that I've sent him on prior to the big surprise. Anyhoo . . I send out an update to tell guests to just wait until 5:15pm and come on down OUR driveway. A slight compromise to the traditional surprise but still pretty impressive to be suddenly surrounded by friends wearing Hawaiian attire. You see it was billed as a "HAWAII FIVE-0" party.

Wednesday, the first cancellation comes in. Our son is not going to make it. He'll be in Cancun.

That's OK. I'd cancel for Cancun. No I wouldn't but . . I try to be understanding anyway.

Friday, three more cancellations. Normally, at this point of an event we are hosting I would talk to my best friend and discuss what changes need to be made now that the "pots" coming to the "pot luck" have changed. But guess who my best friend is? Right. And I can't talk to him about it.

I have errands to run. Hubby wants to use the smoker to impress his mother. So although I am cooking Hawaiian Chicken for a houseful, we are also smoking ribs. Gotta pick up ribs. Nothing will go to waste, we have a freezer. I just have to let him do this so he won't get suspicious. Also, on the errand list is the stuff for punch, cups and plastic cutlery, plates, table cloth, you know: party stuff. Stuff that was originally on the Monday list.

Friday night, cancellation five. OK. I am sure this kind of thing happens all the time. I do start to wonder: have I invited a good mix of people? And I didn't get all my housecleaning done, will I be too pooped tomorrow to make sure everyone is having a good time?(why do i think that is my job?) Oh my goodness, am I expecting too much help in the side dish area, now that there are so many cancellations? And well, that went on for quite some time. I can worry up a storm. Normally, I talk to my best friend and He is the logic to my whimsy, and we balance each other out.

At peak overwhelmedness, I get a text from a friend about a new movie on Netflix. Sure. I need to take another two hours out of my last day to prepare to watch a movie. Ok, let's just get it queued up for when I have time, she says it is really good. Let's see, little boy, troubles at home, Dad goes to Iraq, singing competition. Yes that sounds good. ok. add to Que.

or play.

and watch.

Just for a few minutes.

Ok. Crying. PAUSE. I get up and clean the bathroom floor. Sweep the dining room and start a load of clothes.

Play. Crying. PAUSE. I can't believe I have only been watching this movie for 37minutes and I have already cried twice.

Play. Crying. PAUSE. I am just going to tell Roland about this party and let go of all this stress. No I can't. Maybe it's not the way I thought it would be but: when is it ever?
I get up and clean the kitchen floor, and the counters with the new orange vinegar cleaner I learned how to make from pinterest. smile.

Play. Crying. PAUSE. I have to cancel. I wont tell the hubster, I'll just put out an update and he'll never know. No I can't. I have already talked to people who have made things to bring. I'm just an idiot for thinking I could do this. I need him. Normally, I would be going to him for help with all this nervousness. Normally, he would say, "Are you nuts? How many people did you invite? Where were you going to put them? Why did you think I would like this?" Seriously, I told one guest when they asked about a gift, that the only thing I was sure he wouldn't want was "a surprise party". This I know about him, why did I do this?

Anyway, I made it through the movie, bawling, my house is not spotless, I will spend some time hiding things tomorrow, which I wish I wouldn't have to do, I will not be making ALL the wonderful dishes I have been dreaming of for a month, I will just be making Hawaiian chicken with rice, and punch. and you know what? I may not make the punch.
I will try to post a comment after the party tomorrow.

So Hubster wakes up Saturday morning making groaning noises that he only makes when he doesn't feel well or is having a UPS man dream about a dog.

When I get up I already have a message from a guest cancelling.

My daughter isn't staying she thought the party was on Sunday and made plans. Sheesh.

I sit in one of our front room chairs and set off an explosion of dog hair. ugh. I am instantly put into a whirl of emotional turmoil and begin to pour out my soul to hubby. I am failing as a homemaker (that evaluation is primarily due to the explosion of dog hair), and hostess(referring to the cancellations ~ because certainly I am responsible for all things in all lives). I need him. Realizing he is not feeling well, (remember the noises when he got up?) I spill the beans. Over a month of secrecy and I let it all out. I need him and if he is not well enough to enjoy this event what am I doing?

So we begin to make the calls to cancel. His mom and brother is invited to come up, after all we still have a ton of food to share.

Knock knock.

Oh no. Guest number one shows up. "I guess you didn't get the message. we canceled the party. But please stay we have enough food to share"

I made the punch. (Forgetting the sweet little frozen raspberries I bought especially for the punch, details.)

Knock knock. More guests trickle in. "Come on in" she says stunned and concerned. And the eye contact between family and guest number one makes the silent decision not to tell the new guests that the party they just joined was indeed cancelled.

So in all the excitement of guests arriving to a cancelled surprise party, I didn't take any photos. The Hawaiian shirts were great and had everyone who was invited came it would have been a delightful spectacle. Thanks Roy, Carl, Mike, Travis, Gary, Bob, Ron and their wives who made sure they wore them. I truly appreciate the people who supported my idea of celebrating his FIVE-O Hawaiian style. Even/especially those who received the cancellation and missed the event.

Oh no.

I cancelled.

But we had a party.

Now before it gets around that we had a party,  I have to make contact with the people who actually got the message that we cancelled and didn't show up. Oh no.

So for the second time in a day I make contact with the people invited only this time to tell them we had a party without them. UGH!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I learned a lot this week. I need my husband. He is the other half of me. The other half of my mind. He is the logic. He balances me. And the only surprise party I should NEVER plan is one for HIM.

Thanks for coming on this little Roller coaster ride with me.

PS: I stayed well within my eating program for the day, AND the movie my friend recommended was "LIFTED".

Thanks for reading, New Geri